Solar power Direct to Home (DTH)!

The other day, I was discussing with a friend, about using solar power at large scale, considering the huge potential India has for solar power generation. India has great potential and Rajasthan, Gujarat alone can take care of all India requirement (Evacuation infrastructure to be planned and executed).

For rooftop solar power generation like at parking lots, airports, bus ports, commercial buildings, canals, malls, and railway stations (all rooftops), just need regulatory support called "Net Metering". I feel, though net-metering would be ideal, and is required for large scale production of solar energy and requires regulatory support, and hence it may take a few more years as government typically takes its own sweet time for any regulation to pass.

I feel we should strive to meet all out energy needs using Solar power and it may happen soon with falling prices of panels and improving technology! I have a dream of having zero electric bill at home and office and depending solely on Solar power except on days when Sun is covered by clouds.

Fortunately, panel prices have come down and are now at cost + basis (for India, exchange rate is a variable), Hoping technology can help improve PLF (from 18% to say 20-22%). Subsidies may not be required but if I need to create storage, it increases the capital investment.

I see huge potential in retail solar electrification at household level if marketed well. It may be positioned as a lifestyle/cool product like a luxury car. DTH (e.g. TataSky) model of marketing and delivery sounds similar to me. This may be looked at as DTH of power! Instead of an antenna, you have solar panels, and battery is like the set-top-box. No involvement of government (which may take another half a decade), and we spread solar power one household at a time.

The friend said, wished battery is like set-top box, which is not. After all it will be made of zinc lead and will require replacement 3-4 years.

There are some batteries which last up to 7 years. Even in DTH, new technology evolves every few years (e.g. HD, 3D) and need upgrade for better experience! Evolution of better technologies will anyway require replacement and spending every few years due to obsolescence of earlier stuff.

I wish to do this (DTH Solar power) sometime soon starting with my home. What say? Thanks for reading and shall appreciate your feedback.


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