Translating Phrases

We know dictionaries and thesaurus tell us synonyms. How do you find synonyms for phrases in different languages? Here is my attempt to translate some of those with my limited knowledge of a few languages.

  1. जिसकी लाठि, उसकी भैंस = Might is Right
  2. मेरा क्या? = What is in it for me?
  3. अंत भला तो सब भला = All is well that ends well!
  4. जिंदगी और मौत का सवाल = To be or not to be; that's the question!
  5. उथळ पाण्याला खळखळाट फार = empty vessels make more noise
  6. दिसतं तसं नसतं, म्हणुन जग फसतं = Looks are deceptive!
  7. नाचता येईना, म्हणे अंगण वाकडे = नाच न जाने, आंगन टेढा
  8. दुरुन डोंगर साजरे= दुर के ढोल सुहावने 
  9. अंधो मे काना राजा = वासरात लंगडी गाय
  10. વેહલા સુવે, વેહલા ઉઠે વીર, બળ, બુધ્ધી, ને ધન વધે, સુખમા રહે શરીર = Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
  11. बुंद, बुंद से सागर बनता है = थेंबे, थेंबे तळे साचे = કાકરે કાકરે પાળ બંધાય


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