Report of the RBI committee to recommend data format for furnishing of credit information to CICs
After reading the report of the committee to recommend data
format for furnishing of credit information to CICs, below are a few of my
1. The report repeats many of its
recommendations several times and could be made concise to save time
for a reader
2. How about recommending making CIR available on
mobile devices of consumers who have subscribed for those?
3. How
about a separate value added product for consolidated CIR for a
whole family living at the same address? This may make it easy for CIs to get
CIR for a family seeking credit jointly.
4. Similarly, How about a Commercial CIR for a
group of companies run by members of a family, as a separate value added
5. Wherever possible, with their consent in loan
application forms, how about providing links to social media profiles of users
to CICs and into CIRs? This may help CIs learn more about a borrowers’ ‘likes’,
'circles' etc. for better informed decision making.
Thank you for reading. Hope this makes sense. I’ll highly
appreciate your feedback.