I love swimming!!
I restarted swimming after a gap of many years, thanks to my son, Om, as he is learning to swim these days. While swimming this morning, I was
looking at all the half-naked co-swimmers in the pool and wondering about their
names, religion, sexual orientation etc., and I knew none of this about them. Still
I was there in the open pool with them with minimum clothing required.
For national integration, we
should promote and encourage swimming across the country. Everybody in the pool
is naked with bare minimum clothing. So, most of the physical barriers between
us are gone. We hardly know anybody’s name, cast, religion and other attributes
except that they are fellow humans who love to swim. The more we swim together,
more we live together as humans. We should make swimming our national sport.
It may even help reduce water pollution
and increase water conservation as people will have more emotional connect with
water as a vital resource beyond drinking and bathing.
We all should learn to swim as it
is one of the best forms of exercises while being fun and makes us feel healthy
and fit. It may even help in case of an emergency once in a while.
I love swimming!! What say?
Thank you for reading. Shall appreciate your thoughts.