Navaratri Dandia is a great leveler where every one dances together forgetting all differences. Below are some thoughts I had while playing Garaba this evening. I guess the positive energy in the atmosphere there gave me these thoughts. Jai Mata Di! When I was born, TV was a luxury in India and it had basic state-run phone service and automobile in the form of an indigenous car, Ambassador and a Mahindra Jeep; forget about computers. Today, I use a mobile phone with Internet access, write this on a laptop computer, and drive a fancy car (by Indian standards :-)). In half a lifetime, we have transitioned from no TV or car, to TVs, mobiles, Internet and (soon) self-driving cars, while looking forward to NetWorld (IoT) and smart homes. I read literature in Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi and English while eating Gujarati cuisine and developing computer software for American/European/Australian and Indian clients from my office in a tier-2 Indian city. Isn’t that amazingly fortunate?...