Fascinating NetWorld!
Thanks to a close friend KK, I recently read an article on ‘Internet of things’ available at http://www.technologyreview.com/news/527361/the-economics-of-the-internet-of-things/ . Sharing below some thoughts, ideas and possibilities which came to mind while reading it. When ‘everything’ is connected and can communicate, everything may be tracked till its end or destruction. So… Nothing may ever be lost as we’ll know exactly where everything is. Portable things will notify us of their location! This also means … Each piece of every product will be tracked to its consumption and may provide tremendous insight into how, when and where a product is consumed and possibly, by whom. It may easy to know where expired medicines, or rotten food is lying, and to be able to collect it. Similarly, it may be easy to know where is junk lying to send someone to collect it. It will be easy to know upfront which implant in the body of a patient is about to malfunction to be able to rep...