
Showing posts from February, 2013

Methodology or business results on time?

I am perplexed with all the hoopla around Agile methodology in IT Services industry. I know the industry thrives on a new  wave of jargon every few years but sometimes we need to ask ourselves if it really makes sense to create this much ado about something, as if there is a new life-form arrived from somewhere in the universe! To me, Agile is just a natural way of developing software that we all did while learning programming in college or elsewhere. While buying a car how many of us bother what methodology was followed to manufacture it? Or what methodology or technology is followed for building a new building or bridge as long as we get it done on time? Do we ask the way concrete will be mixed or the bricks will be built or the grade of steel used or type of pipes used? I am not sure. We focus on results while relying on the developer for this knowledge and expertise. Don’t we? Is anybody in the industry promising results and outcome on time by following whatever methodol

सालो बाद, आज फिर ...

मेरी पहली हिंदी कवीता. भाषा कवीता ने खुद चुनी, मैने सिर्फ कागज पर उतारा है। जिंदगी फिर आज एक चौरहे पर खडी है ... कुछ साथी बिछुडे, कुछ नये जुडे कुछ समीकरण बने, कुछ बिगडे आज फिर एक मोड चुनना है सही या गलत, वक्त पर छोडा है कुछ पाया, कुछ खोया बहुत कुछ सिखा, बदला नजरिया आज फिर कुछ फैसले करने है प्राथमिकताएं बदलनी है फिर एक कदम बढाना है कुछ नया कर दिखाना है फिर खुदको साबीत करना है औरो की तो पर्वा नहि, पर ....... फिर अपनो कि तसल्ली के लिये कुछ कर दिखाना है