
Showing posts from May, 2014

Java seems to be new COBOL in technology marketplace!

Are you struggling to find developers with expertise on Java technology platform? You are not alone! Many companies with legacy or new software systems to be maintained or developed using Java technologies are experiencing a similar situation. They are also struggling to keep their Java developers from leaving for greener postures due to a surge in demand for Java developers. I am observing this trend for last about 12 months before venturing into writing about it with confidence. Today, the situation looks similar to the one for COBOL developers during Y2K crises in 1999. There was acute shortage of developers with expertise on mainframe technologies like COBOL, AX400 and CICS. Emerging and newer technologies like Java script frameworks like Bootstrap, JQuery; Big Data technologies like MongoDB and Hadoop, and mobile apps development on Android and iOS are competing with Java EE, and offer alternatives to developers to make their career in. These newer technologies make i